As a company, we will not harm the ecological balance in our activities,
We will ensure that wastes are minimised at source, reused and recycled when possible, and that wastes that cannot be recycled are disposed of by appropriate methods,
We will ensure the efficient use of energy, raw materials and natural resources,
We will continuously develop and improve our management system,
We will provide all necessary protection to prevent adverse effects on the health of our employees and people who will be affected by our activities, and to control accidents, damages and hazards to our own and other persons' property at the initial stage,
In this direction, by improving the environmental and occupational health and safety awareness of our employees, we will make the understanding of the ÇİSK management system a philosophy of life,
We will monitor occupational health and safety hazards with the same sensitivity and make the necessary efforts to minimise them,
We will comply with our legal obligations, applicable Environmental and OHS legislation and the requirements of the organisations we are a member of,
We will work to improve the environmental and OHS awareness of the relevant parties,
We will make the philosophy of continuous development and systems in all processes in accordance with the MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and continuously improve its effectiveness, internalise it to all personnel and increase market share, profitability and competitiveness in this direction
Ensuring Continuity of Customer Satisfaction
Providing world-class quality products and services
To support the development of our employees in terms of individual quality and to be a pioneer and guiding company in the IT sector in this regard
To create the necessary infrastructure to establish a Total Quality Management System and to enable continuous development and improvement in the infrastructure
Ensuring that the commitment and efficiency of employees are maximised
Achieving a reputable position in the market
Engaging employees at various levels to achieve success
Effective sharing of know-how
Recruitment and retention of good employees
Optimisation of performance
Reduced costs
Increase in market share
Keeping the motivation of employees at the highest level at all times and creating an effective working environment
To ensure that quality is perceived as a philosophy of life by all employees
By following the technological innovations in the sector simultaneously with the world, we undertake that we will meet the needs and expectations of our customers in accordance with the requirements of the management system with our management staff and trained modern personnel.
Vizyoneks Bilgi Teknolojileri A.Ş.
This document explains our determination and commitment to fight against bribery and corruption as Vizyoneks Bilgi Teknolojileri A.Ş. Our aim is to ensure that all our employees and business partners understand their responsibilities in this regard and act in accordance with our ethical standards.
1. Purpose and Scope: This policy covers all employees, managers, business partners, contractors and consultants within Vizyoneks. The purpose of the policy is to set company standards and expectations for combating bribery and corruption.
2. Definitions:
Bribery: Money, gift or other benefit offered, promised, given or accepted to gain an advantage to a person, public official or other organisation.
Corruption: The abuse of public power or private sector position for personal gain.
3. Principles:
Vizyoneks has zero tolerance for all forms of bribery and corruption.
Honesty and transparency are essential in all our transactions.
Conflicts of interest should be avoided and any conflict of interest should be reported immediately.
4. Responsibilities:
Employees: Responsible for complying with this policy and reporting any suspicion of bribery or corruption.
Managers: Responsible for implementing the policy and ensuring employee compliance with the policy.
Human Resources: Responsible for organising training programmes and investigating policy violations.
5. Training and Awareness:
All employees should regularly attend anti-bribery and anti-corruption training.
Information about this policy will be provided in the orientation programme for new employees.
6. Gifts and Hospitality:
No employee may accept gifts, payments or other benefits for the purpose of influencing business decisions.
Work-related gifts or hospitality must be reasonable and proportionate and approved by the relevant unit manager.
7. Reporting and Whistleblowing:
Any suspicion of bribery or corruption must be reported immediately to the Ethics Committee.
Whistleblowers will be guaranteed confidentiality and protection.
8. Sanctions:
In case of policy violations related to bribery or corruption, company disciplinary procedures will be applied and legal proceedings will be initiated when necessary.
9. Review and Update:
This policy will be reviewed annually and updated if necessary.
As Vizyoneks, we are committed to maintaining our commitment to combating bribery and corruption. We expect full compliance with this policy from all our employees.